Created and refined by chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code™ provides a tool to identify and release negative emotional energy. Realizing that his patients’ aches and pains stemmed from cellular memories, Dr. Nelson coined the phrase “Trapped Emotions” to describe the negative energies that become lodged in the body during intense emotional events.
In addition to physical pain, Trapped Emotions contribute to feelings of depression or anxiety. The energy cloud they create often blocks feelings of love and happiness and generates a wedge of disconnection from others.
As an energy form, each emotion resonates at a specific frequency. When the frequency of an emotional energy harmonizes with another energy in the body, they become magnets for each other.
That wrist you broke in high school? The damage caused by the break left behind an energetic wasp’s nest. When your boyfriend broke up with you, feelings of vulnerability and insecurity found that weakness in your wrist where the energy incubated and festered. Twenty years later, “typing at the wrong angle” gets the blame for carpal tunnel syndrome in your wrist.

Releasing these Trapped Emotions creates an environment beneficial for healing. Physical and emotional pain may disappear or become more manageable.
Every experience in life comes with emotions. Higher frequency emotions such as love, joy, peace, forgiveness and happiness provide healing. When you manifest healing emotions, your energy centers (chakras) expand outward and fill you with love, life, and light.
When you feel low frequency emotions such as anger, heartache, fear, shame, or anxiety, your spirit recoils. The negative emotional energy draws inward, becoming lodged somewhere in your body and generating physical or emotional pain.
I am trained to discover and release your trapped emotions, facilitating your body’s natural ability to balance itself. By asking a series of simple yes or no questions, I identify the Trapped Emotions contributing to physical and emotional pain. Using magnetic energy and principles of ancient Chinese medicine, I release each Trapped Emotion individually. Everything discussed or discovered with me is always confidential.
Completely painless and non-invasive, The Emotion Code™ uses muscle testing (a form of biofeedback) to access memories stored in your subconscious mind. This process requires very little time and effort on your part.
Often the women who work with me express that they feel lighter and more free after sessions. Mothers naturally nurture and cherish their children. By releasing the negative energies of Trapped Emotions, you become free to feel that vital connection and bond. When this release occurs during pregnancy, the physical demands of childbearing may lessen as your body’s energetic channels strengthen.
Because clearing of negative energy occurs immediately, physical and emotional issues sometimes disappear at the moment of release. Your personal experience will be uniquely responsive to the trapped emotions uncovered in your session and how quickly your body responds after their removal.
Releasing trapped emotions restores balance to your body. This gentle process creates energetic space for you to feel relief from your pain.
The first step in your healing process begins with scheduling a free Discovery Session. During this 20 minute session, I answer your questions, show you how muscle testing works, and release 1-3 Trapped Emotions for you. Because sessions are remote, location isn’t an issue.
Sum Up: Emotion Code Sessions can quickly ease physical pains while enhancing the vital bond between you and your child. When done during pregnancy, this may lead to a smoother, easier pregnancy and delivery.
To learn more about The Emotion Code™, watch videos, and subscribe to valuable educational content, visit discoverhealing.com