Energy work stimulates harmony and balance emotionally, physically and mentally. This relieves stress and supports the body’s natural ability to heal. Widely recognized as valuable, energy work effectively complements conventional medical care. While Emotion Code and Body Code are gentle energy-based approaches to health care, there may be risks.
Energy work, whether in person or by proxy, is not a substitute for medical care. The information you receive from any practitioner at Two Hearts Healing is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. We make no claims of healing or recovery from any symptom or disease, and we make no guarantee of validity. Information given to you by Two Hearts Healing is not intended as a physician-patient relationship, nor is it a replacement for consultation with a healthcare professional. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.
By signing below, I acknowledge and agree to the following
- I am here to learn about energy work, holistic health and wellness, holistic nutrition and better health practices
- I give permission for practitioners at Two Hearts Healing to work with me by proxy through the specific technique of muscle testing
- I may be offered information about food supplements, homeopathy, herbs, reflexology, essential oils, gemstone therapy, energy balancing, flower essences, hydrotherapy, yoga and relaxation techniques as a guide to general good health
- Any information I receive from Two Hearts Healing is considered to be for educational purposes only.
- I fully understand that those who serve me from Two Hearts Healing are not medical physicians and do not practice medicine.
- I am not here for medical diagnostic purposes or treatment procedures.
- The services performed by Two Hearts Healing are on the subject of energy work, holistic health, wellness and holistic nutritional matters intended for the maintenance of the best possible state of overall health and wellness and do not involve the diagnosing, treatment or prescribing of remedies for disease
- I understand that it is my responsibility to discuss any and all information provided during sessions with my primary health care provider or any other health care providers/specialists whose care I may be under
- I do not expect Two Hearts Healing to disclose any information on my behalf to any other party
- I release Two Hearts Healing, and its practitioners from any and all legal liability during my participation in Two Hearts Healing services
- I assume sole responsibility for my own health and for the results of any services provided by Two Hearts Healing that may affect my health in any way.
- All information received by me from Two Hearts Healing, and its practitioners is accepted with full knowledge that any action taken by me as a result of the information received is my complete responsibility
- Due to HIPPA privacy regulations, my information will be held confidential and not shared with anyone
By proceeding, you indicate that you have read and agree to all conditions in this agreement.
By proceeding, you indicate that you have been advised of all consultation fees.
By proceeding, you indicate that you are aware that these services are not covered by insurance and that you are responsible for all fees incurred.